To Make an Omelette...

After lots of thinking, wondering how I was going to make it work, I decided to use only the sides of the cabinet, as really the sideart was the only thing worth saving. I was disappointed that the cab was basically going to waste, and this was by no means going to be a restoration, in any sense of the word.
However, I began to think of it as a scratch-built cab, using some vintage parts. Unfortunate, but it’s probably better this way. It makes even more sense when you consider that I was and still am very inexperienced with woodwork in general, and even more of a newb when it comes to the wiring, etc.
I gutted the cab and tossed everything but the sides. Then I sawed off about the bottom 10 inches or so of the water damage. I attached some ¾” board to the bottom using a 2x4, and used wood putty to fill in the cracks and get it ready for painting. So far, so good. Now on to the real challenge, building the rest of the cabinet!